Aktivitäten 2021

Tara Tepavac, Miroslav Zivanovic | 2021, Aktivitäten

Behaviour of Political Parties During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Marijana Pajvančić | 2021, Aktivitäten

Die Studie ist ein einzigartiger Zeugnis über den schwierigen Weg den die Frauen Serbiens gegangen sind im Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung der Geschlechtergleichheit und einer schrittweiser Eroberung der Freiheit für alle Bürger_innen.

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Young, Jasminka; Macura, Aleksandar | 2021, Aktivitäten

Energy transition in Serbia is not just about the energy mix, the technology, or emissions. It is a process that must be preceded by a change in society.

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Dr. Simonida Kacarska, Dr. Filip Milacic | 2021, Aktivitäten

The current covid-19 pandemic, as 'an hour of the executive', offers an unprecedented opportunity to elected incumbents for a power grab and erosion of checks and balances.

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Senada Selo Sabic | 2021, Aktivitäten

A snapshot of relations among neighbours over the course of nine months shows that vulnerability caused by COVID-19 has not been exploited against neighbours. It also, however, has not engendered significant solidarity, except in cases where it already exists.

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